Proposal for new EU Directive on Energy Efficiency approved by the EU Parliament

European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 November 2018 on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency (COM(2016)0761 – C8-0498/2016 – 2016/0376(COD))
On 30 November 2016, the European Commission presented a package of measures - 'Clean Energy for All Europeans' - with the goal of providing the stable legislative framework needed to facilitate the clean energy transition – and thereby taking a significant step towards the creation of the Energy Union.
Aimed at enabling the EU to deliver on its Paris Agreement commitments, the 'Clean Energy for All Europeans' proposals are intended to help the EU energy sector become more stable, more competitive, and more sustainable. With a view to stimulating investment in the clean energy transition, the package has three main goals:
Prioritizing energy efficiency
Achieving global leadership in renewable energy
Providing a fair deal for consumers.
The package of measures has eight different legislative proposals. Last week, on November 13, European Parliament approved 4 of them.
The adopted parliamentary report is available at:
The Directive will repeal the existing Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency.
The new regulatory framework, in particular via the introduction of the first national energy and climate plans, fixes two new targets for the EU in 2030: a binding renewable energy target of at least 32% and an energy efficiency target of at least 32.5%, which will stimulate Europe's industrial competitiveness and innovations. When these policies will be fully implemented, they will lead to steeper greenhouse gas emission reductions for the whole EU than anticipated some 45% by 2030 compared to 1990, instead of 40%.
Following this approval by the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers will finalise its formal approval of the three laws in the coming weeks.